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What You Should Be Doing With Your Life, According To Your Zodiac Sign


Aquarius is a mediator, a person of balance. Since you were young you’ve thrown yourself into projects that you felt were worth your time and tried to bring a little sanity to the world.

Activist or Social Worker.


Freedom is the most important thing for Pisces. Any profession that allows Pisces to live and create according to their own vision is perfect for her. This needed flexibility also allows her to work out her demons on her own timetable.

Photographer or, if you’re into the sciences, Pharmacist.


Aries need the outdoors and a connection with the openness of nature and the changing of the seasons. As a child, you thrived on this and in adulthood, you’re no different.

Park Ranger or even a Farmer.


You’ve always been the rock, even as a kid. You know right from wrong and can steer others toward making the best decision. And, if you’ve got the right temperament then leadership is where you’ve always wanted to be.

CEO or Politician but Taurus is the perfect small business owner so get your dream on!


Bored easily, Geminis constantly need a new type of stimulation. They’re fast learners and this always allowed you to pick things up quickly and move on to the next level. However, you’re also amazingly flexible and can adapt to whatever situation arises.

Journalist or Teacher.


You’ve always been a natural caretaker but you’re also a fantastic curator. Any profession where you’re able to express the nurturing part of yourself is perfect for you whether that’s people or things. You just need to be in a position where you’re holding it all together and moving it towards positivity.

Art Director, Interior Designer, Editor, or Childcare.


Leos lust after fame and attention, right? Clearly many want to be famous but even just getting the recognition they crave can often be enough. Leos thrive on the spotlight so whatever their passion is they want to be the head of it and that’s the little-known secret about Leos.

Actor, Musician


You were the child with an eye for detail, a rarity among all your friends. You noticed things that many adults didn’t even notice. It may have been a burden for you at the time but you always knew you wanted to use this gift, perhaps to heal.

Doctor, Nurse, Project Manager, or Social Worker


Perhaps more than any other sign, you’ve always needed to be around people and while your aversion to conflict may have created a frustrating tension at times, you still do. You’ve always been a natural peacemaker.

Diplomat, Lawyer, Agent, or Engineer


Scorpios always do their own thing and you’re no different. You need a distraction free workplace and you need to be in control because you’re a very driven person.

Psychiatrist or Researcher.


If there’s one thing Sagittarius has to have in both their lives and passions has to have it’s the ability to grow and experience new situations, people, and locales. That’s why the best careers for Sagittarians are those that put them into dynamic situations that won’t stifle their sense of adventure.

Web Publisher, Professor, Interpreter.


Capricorns are known for their need for stability and security and while some more thrill seeking signs may see this as stifling, Capricorns thrive under such circumstances. As a Capricorn, you were probably the backbone of your friend group. You deal in the concrete while everyone else’s heads are in the clouds so embrace it.

Accountant, Real Estate, Financial Planner.


About The Author

Are we out of the woods yet? Nah.

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