Tips + Advice
100 Things You Should Sext Your Man
With these sexts, Okay, maybe he won’t cum *immediately* but he’ll definitely be thinking about you for the foreseeable future if you send these sexts. 1. Why aren’t you cumming…
50 Hot Places To Have Sex If You’re Adventurous
1. Underneath an umbrella the next time you head over to the beach. 2. On top of the washing machine, so you can feel the vibrations. 3. Underneath the bleachers at the closest college campus…
How To Blow Like A Pro: 10 Don’ts Of Giving Blowjobs
After writing Giving My First Blowjob, I realized how often fellatio is a topic of conversation in my life (SHOCKING considering the number of times I’ve done it on camera).…
10 Reasons It’s Healthier Not To Shave Your Pubic Hair
Women are right to reclaim and be proud of their natural bodily functions such as menstruation—so why are they still almost uniformly repelled by their own pubic hair? 1. Shaving…
50 Hot Sexts That Will Turn Him On
I’m touching myself, but I’m imagining you.
14 Women Describe Their Go-To Strategy For Getting Male Attention When They Crave It
1. Wear Enough Red Lipstick To Paint A Truck “Anytime I need male attention, I just put on so much red lipstick, I pretty much need a paint gun to…
27 Subtly Suggestive ‘Good Morning’ Texts That Will Make Your Man Think About You All Day Long
1. Wish I was waking up with you inside me. 2. I’m super horny this morning. 3. I woke up before my alarm went off. Just enough time to get…
12 Warning Signs You’re Having An ‘Emotional Affair’ With A Guy And Don’t Even Know It Yet
1. You put on your ‘best face’ for him. Even though you have a boyfriend or a husband (or hell, girl, both), you spruce up your appearance whenever you know…
12 Women On What They Desire Before, During, And After Sex
Found on AskReddit. 1. “Before: I want your hands all over me. I want to feel how much you want me. I want to know it, not just assume you…
The 10 Golden Rules Of Sugar Dating (From A Real Life Sugar Baby)
Here are the essential guidelines for sugar dating success and making money.