I asked 50 real people for their own definition.
1. “A woman who scares the shit out of boys.”
— Larkin, 22
2. “A slut is a person, male or female, who has sex for the wrong reasons.”
— Effie, 18
3. “A slut is something I wish I was.”
— Farah, 23
4. “A word some burnt dude came up with when the girl he liked wouldn’t fuck him.”
— Carla, 25
5. “A woman who thinks her vagina is her only avenue to happiness.”
— Bryson, 22
6. “Slut = Female Playa.”
— Arlo, 20
7. “A word I emptily use to insult a girl when I secretly just think she’s hotter and better-dressed then me and/or is someone I wish I were talking to.”
— Isa, 19
8. “A woman who doesn’t fear her own sexuality.”
— Kaia, 25
9. “‘Slut?’ You mean magnificent love-angel generous enough to let you touch her wings?”
— Aamir, 27
10. “A word that does and should exist to describe women who actively seek casual sex.”
— Kinsley, 18
11. “Someone who doesn’t know their worth.”
— Flynn, 23
12. “A word used by girls and boys with hateful insecurities to shame people. A word used by women who love women to praise each other.”
— Tanya, 21
13. “A term used in the gay community to showcase chastising endearment and sexual liberation.”
— Randall, 24
14. “Someone who treats sex with a stereotypically masculine attitude.”
— Paloma, 19
15. “A woman who just wants to live.”
— Fariz, 21
16. “A woman whose unconfined sexuality threatens the order of our hetero-patriarchal society.”
— Oda, 20
17. “A slut is every girl who’s ever deaded you.”
— Clayton, 19
18. “To me, it feels like a word that’s used to shame girls for acting on their desires.”
— Lloyd, 24
19. “The word ‘slut’ is society’s exclamation of fear and loathing when a woman steps a toe over the line of staying in her place as a virginal, one-man girl.”
— Ramsey, 22
20. “A person who cries a lot at night.”
— Shea, 25
21. “A slut is something thirsty boys call me when they’re mad I won’t sleep with them.”
— Yani, 21
22. “A girl whose self-worth is measured exclusively by her sexual currency.”
— Ariana, 23
23. “A slut is a woman people need a reason to hate.”
— Lamar, 20
24. “A slut is a woman whom society deems unclean.”
— Teegan, 28
25. “The kind of woman you don’t need to wine and dine.”
— Julien, 26
26. “The kind of woman I intend to marry.”
— Eddie, 24
27. “The kind of woman I want to love.”
— Willa, 19
28. “A girl who sleeps around a lot and is easy.”
— Ann, 22
29. “A slut is a woman with the gall the suggest that she has the same rights to her body as any man does his.”
— Rahim, 23
30. “A boss ass bitch who fucks whom she likes, when she likes.”
— Naya, 20
31. “A slut is a woman who enjoys sex for herself/for the sake of sex.”
— Kelly, 26
32. “My ex-boyfriend.”
— Priya, 24
33. “A slut is a woman with the moral compass of a man.”
— Clint, 27
34. “Slut = woman who fucks as much as a guy does.”
— Amani, 20
35. “To be a ‘slut’ just means to be utterly confused, self-conscious, and lonely. I was a ‘slut’ in high school, though, so that’s potentially an interesting perspective for me to have.”
— Lili, 22
36. “A woman who’s lost control over her sexual impulses.”
— Jayden, 24
37. “A slut is somebody who sleeps with everyone and everything because she needs that kind of constant attention to feel good about herself.”
— Mireya, 21
38. “Me. And my friends. Because we love sluts.”
— Emerson, 22
39. “A sad person who can’t be stimulated by anything but sex.”
— Cody, 23
40. “A slut is the kind of person whose company I most enjoy.”
— Duval, 25
41. “A slut is a person who doesn’t respect the sanctity of sex.”
— Malika, 19
42. “A woman who knows she has the freedom to explore her likes and dislikes.”
— Salma, 27
43. “A slut is woman everybody loves to hate.”
— Saim, 24
44. “When you use or display your body in a way that’s less than virginal, you are slut.”
— Hartley, 22
45. “A woman who doesn’t give two shits that you don’t like her.”
— Sada, 20
46. “Someone who over-advertises their sexuality.”
— Jewel, 21
47. “A slut is a someone who needs an STD test.”
— Peter, 29
48. “A slut is what I call myself when I do slutty things—when I act ‘dirty’ or lower my standards. Most girls are sluts, I think—some are just dirtier than others.”
— Mavis, 20
49. “A word I’ll teach my children to use only as congratulations.”
— Nimah, 25
50. “The word ‘slut’ is just a tool used by society to control women. E.g. ‘She didn’t text me back, therefore, she is a slut.’”
— Carlos, 22